Friday, March 25, 2011

Plot Diagram (Exposition)

Exposition- The book starts off introducing a sixth grader named Percy Jackson. He is dyslexic and always gets into trouble. One day, Percy goes with his school, Yancy Academy, a private, boarding school for troubled kids on a field trip. They go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at Greek and Roman stuff. Percy lives in New York, also known as the Empire State, that is why my song for the exposition is called "Empire State of Mind by: Jay-Z and Alicia Keys"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG thank you, you saved my butt

  3. I had to do a plot pyramid on a book for school. But i didnt want to reread that intire book over again so saved me.

  4. I had to do a plot pyramid on a book for school. But i didnt want to reread that intire book over again so saved me.
